FACE/OFF (1997)

face off cage travolta


Chris was in the mood to watch a legitimately good action movie, and the first thing that came to my mind (that neither of us had seen) was Face/Off. I think Chris was sort of surprised that I thought it was supposed to be legitimately good, but we both wanted to see it so we went for it. A pretty good decision all-around.

What kind of struck me about Face/Off is how so many elements at play in the movie would never work now. It came out almost exactly 16 years ago, even though it doesn’t seem like it was that long ago. First of all, the public (and theatrical) personas of Nicolas Cage and John Travolta have changed so much, I don’t think anyone would take them seriously if this movie came out now. This was back when Nicolas Cage could still be a badass, rather than just being a weird knockoff of a badass. He does a great job of being scary and funny, something he desperately still tries to pull off now but just can’t anymore (thanks largely in part to the shitty projects he chooses now, though). And maybe it’s just me, but I just can’t look at John Travolta without seeing his weird plastic surgery and Scientologyness. This was also one of John Woo’s first big US productions, so things like having a gunfight in a church among white doves flying around was probably a lot less cliche in 1997 than it looks now. At least I’m assuming so, because it definitely looks a little silly now.

I will say that Face/Off deserves a lot of credit for not being confusing. The synopsis of the movie from IMDb (“A revolutionary medical technique allows an undercover agent to take the physical appearance of a major criminal and infiltrate his organization.”) makes it sound like it’ll be extremely hard to follow, but it’s really not. And considering how many simply-plotted movies we’ve seen that are super confusing, I think that’s definitely an accomplishment.

So, I still stand by Face/Off being a legitimately good action movie. I mean, it’s no Taken . . . but still definitely worth watching.


I’ve been wanting to see this movie since I was a kid. I know I’ve seen parts of this, some of the prison scenes looked familiar, but I really wasn’t expecting to enjoy watching it as much as I did. I think the difficult thing about watching this movie now, is that we know how weird both John Travolta and Nicolas Cage are. In no way does anyone go out of their way to watch any movie with either of these actors now.

A big part of this movie journey with Elizabeth has been loving when a movie says its title in its own film. Face/Off does this often. And with a movie like Face/Off I would think that that would be difficult. But John Woo knows what he’s doing I guess.




Commando is great because it’s sort of like a super over the top 80s version of Taken . . . and I love Taken. How is it over the top? Well the first time we see John Matrix (Arnold Schwarzenegger), he’s carrying a tree over his shoulder like it ain’t no thang. A TREE. And when he needs to rob an army surplus store to get supplies for the takedown that will get him back his daughter, does he break through the window or pick the lock? No! He drives some kind of giant construction tractor thingie into the side of the store. Of course!

I mean, I love revenge movies, and this is a pretty badass one. It’s not badass in the same way Taken is (which is just straight up BAD.ASS.), but it’s just so goofy and sort of nonsensical you really have no choice but to stop thinking about it and just go with it. It’s also really funny if you assume the main villain, who used to be in Matrix’s unit, is actually Matrix’s ex-lover. It’s amazing how many of the lines fit that scenario . . .


An action film truly couldn’t get any better! ARNOLD is so cool and insane in this movie. All the scenes without him should have been removed. This is a movie I saw a lot as a kid. It was actually a family film we would constantly put on. I’m not quite sure how that happened….

I usually kind of hate action films, stuff like the Transformer movies are pretty awful to me, but something about Commando is so simple it works so well.